Catholic Tech

Degree Programs


About the Degree

The Biology major explores genetics, ecology, physiology, and more, gaining insights into the diversity, evolution, and behavior of living organisms. Catholic Institute of Technology partners with the Bio-Medico University of Roma for wet lab and research opportunities. The Biology track also allows students to complete all prerequisites for U.S. medical schools.

[Duration]: 4 years

About the Program

An Ethics Major is available through the Pontifical Colleges Program. CatholicTech’s articulation agreements with some of the pontifical colleges allow students to take two years of classes at CatholicTech and have guaranteed acceptance to a pontifical college, having learned the necessary Italian to succeed in the upper level courses at the pontifical universities. Have an American university residential experience and learn from the leading experts in philosophy, theology, and the humanities.

All students at CatholicTech complete the science and engineering core, which provides them with the foundations that they need to become well-rounded engineers and scientists who excel in their chosen specializations. Every STEM student at CatholicTech graduates with a minor in Philosophy and Theology.