The Compatibility of Faith and Reason: CatholicTech Faculty speak to Students in the Work of the Church

The Pilot – America’s oldest Catholic newspaper – recently published an article on the opening of CatholicTech, featuring our president, Bishop Arthur Kennedy, Prof. Kevin Greenman, and co-founder Alexis Haughey. The two spoke at an informational session in Andover, Massachusetts on the Catholic Institute of Technology.
Prof. Greenman, a Ph.D. research fellow at MIT, described to Pilot that it was not until he had the resources of great Catholic scholars, such as St. Thomas Aquinas, from his teachers that he understood that faith and science were compatible. Greenman told those at the session that it was “such providence for this to happen in the year that I was about to graduate,” and he is very excited to be part of CatholicTech’s mission, and encourage students in their faith while fostering their education in science.
In his remarks, Bishop Kennedy said that this movement of bring the Church back into the sciences is critically important, “because it belongs to the Church, actually, because it’s not new, but it’s very old.” Bishop Kennedy described how students will have the ability of bring the life of the Church into the world and making it a source of hope through the access they will have to the sacraments.
Alexis Haughey also remarked that CatholicTech is not just “another Catholic college” that has a focus on STEM, but is “a catalyst for a new evangelization.” The students of CatholicTech, as Alexis Haughey described, are doing not only the work of finding innovations for the future, but the work of God with the talents that He gave them. At CatholicTech, students will able to pursue careers with major companies after graduation and also “speak the truth of Christ into places where it was not otherwise spoken.”
To read more about the information session, read The Pilot’s article.